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Diversity Commitment Statement

In light of the statement A Rationale for Diversity at 天美传媒, we are committed to:

  • actualizing the operational definition of diversity as stated in the document through the development of appropriate policies, structures, and practices, and on-going systematic qualitative and quantitative assessment.
  • achieving WASC's Diversity recommendations as found in the Commission Action Letter (July 2015) that speaks to the need of developing a unified vision for diversity which includes clarifying the role of the University Diversity Committee, and more campus-wide systematic training on diversity issues.
  • achieving goal #3 in the University's strategic plan (2015) that identifies the campus composition and culture we value and will become, which reads:

"The students, staff, administration, faculty, and Board will be characterized by racial, ethnic, socio-economic background, age, sex, abilities, and Christian faith diversity, and these persons will feel they belong and have access to full and equitable participation in university life.   

  • continue as an HSI with a graduation rate for Hispanic students at least equal to the average of all baccalaureate students,
  • students of diverse religious backgrounds will feel their beliefs are understood and respected, 
  • university life, structures, and organizations will embrace and value diversity, and
  • recognized as an exemplar of research for, and service to, Hispanic students, families, and communities."

These commitments are to be updated as achievements are made, and requirements are changed (e.g. WASC letter) and University goals are accomplished and revised (University Strategic Plan). 

Adopted by 天美传媒 Board of Trustees on October 24, 2015.